Accessing LaView camera from PC is easier and unswerving way to get the peace of mind. With LaView camera control your home security and embrace it with advancement of technology. This blog will guide you through the LaView camera setup process in step-by-step manner.
Collect the setup things– Collect the camera setup related things at one place to avoid the problems that you can face during the setup. If all things will be near to you then you don’t need to stand and pick them from somewhere and bring to the place where you are setting up the camera. Open the box that contains your camera and other equipment.
Setup the power– After unboxing the LaView home security camera take the power adapter to link the camera with power connection. You may need an ethernet cable to link it with Power adapter depending on your camera model. Switch on the camera and perceive the LED lights. The second use of ethernet cable is that you will need it to make a link between router and camera and for that you have to fix one end with LAN port of camera and other with WAN of the router.
Get the LaView app– Download and fitted the LaView app on your respective device and initiate the login. For login you need a LaView account to generate the account you have to visit LaView’s security page on your web browser then provide the details including your email id for verification link. Generate unique login credentials and complete the login.
Configure the Camera– Now you have to configure your camera for your Windows, PC or MAC and for this you need to access LaView’s website www.laviewsecurity.com with the help of your web browser. You will find a support section on that page where you have to search camera model you are using and then transfer and install the supported software to access it on Windows, MAC or PC.
Setting configuration-Open the software that you have downloaded from the LaView’s official site. The software will initiate the instructions that you need to follow for the further setup process. Manage your security setting effortlessly by selecting an activity area for sensors and motion detection. Enable the notification, alerts and receive them on your email or phone number.
SSID details and connection verification– Now you have to provide the SSID details including password so that camera’s access can be done. Check the live feed on your MAC, PC or Windows to verify the wifi setup connection. Before that login to your windows, MAC or PC with the same login credentials that you have used for LaView app. After this you can adjust the camera placements and angels according to the view access you want.
Specific feature control– You can control the specific features like recording availability, data control and LaView’s integration with smart home devices like Alexa or Google assistant.
If you face trouble in configuring your LaView camera setup on the Windows, MAC or PC then you must try reaching out to our service experts who will resolve your query and trouble promptly in an operative manner.